Network Security
McAfee is a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for IDPS*

Security Management
Integrate all of your enterprise security management solutions for complete visibility across the entire ecosystem

Web Security
Enable secure web connectivity and reduce the risk of malware intrusion and data loss

Data Protection and Encryption
Better visibility, control, and protection of your data
About McAfee
McAfee is one of the world’s leading independent cybersecurity companies. Inspired by the power of working together, McAfee creates business and consumer solutions that make the world a safer place. By building solutions that work with other companies’ products, McAfee helps businesses orchestrate cyber environments that are truly integrated, where protection, detection, and correction of threats happen simultaneously and collaboratively. By protecting consumers across all their devices, McAfee secures their digital lifestyle at home and away. By working with other security players, McAfee is leading the effort to unite against cybercriminals for the benefit of all.